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~2.44 EUR

The Trophy tomato is one of the historic varieties, introduced in 1870 by Colonel George E. Waring Jr., a native of Rhode Island. Its history dates back even further, to 1847, when Dr. Hand, a physician from Baltimore, began experimenting with tomato crossbreeding. After 23 years of selection and stabilization, Trophy became one of the first commercial varieties to gain wide acceptance in the United States.

Waring sold the seed of this variety in an unusual way, organizing a national contest in which participants could buy seeds for 25 cents for one or $5 for 20 seeds - a large sum at the time (equivalent to about $88 today). Trophy quickly became popular and was considered one of the best achievements in tomato breeding. It was advertised as a variety with large, smooth fruit that ripened early, had great flavor, and was ideal for both fresh consumption and canning.

The Trophy variety is characterized by medium-sized, flattened, red fruits weighing about 120-340 grams. The fruits are firm, juicy, but also solid, with a slightly sweet flavor, making them versatile for both salads and preserves. The plants have regular leaves, are tall, and require tying or staking. This variety takes about 75 days from planting to maturity.

Despite its enormous popularity at the turn of the 20th century, Trophy lost its importance after the 1920s. Nevertheless, this variety played a key role in the development of many other popular tomato varieties over the next 25 years.

Color Red
Fruit size Middle
Growing habit Indeterminate
The growing season Mid-early
Fruit type Beefsteak
Leaf type Regular
Package size 10 pcs