We are a small family farm located in north-eastern Poland, in the heart of historical Warmia, just outside Olsztyn. It is here that for over 40 years we have been maintaining the oldest varieties of tomatoes, the so-called established varieties - from the English "Heriloom" - legacy, heritage, tradition. These are tomato varieties, the most important feature of which is to repeat the characteristics of their parents. You can find here both varieties passed down from generation to generation, often with a history of over 100 years, as well as those for which the licensing rights have expired and gardeners have established their characteristics in the process of breeding. When buying seeds of such a variety once, we can collect the seeds ourselves and sow them in the next season, obtaining the same plants and fruits. The basic features of such varieties are:
• repeating parental characteristics, no need to buy new seeds every year
• a huge variety of tomato varieties with a full range of features such as height, growing season, resistance, fruit size and color, fleshiness and soil requirements
• no single copyright owner - rights have expired or belong to the general public
Our offer is directed only to amateur gardeners who are looking for unique tomato varieties and do not want to grow hybrid (F1) or genetically modified (GMO) varieties. At the moment, our collection exceeds 700 varieties of tomatoes - it is the largest selection of traditional varieties of tomatoes in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. Our seeds are not treated, but only disinfected to make sure that they do not pose a phytosanitary risk. Our mission is to preserve the largest possible number of tomato varieties, ensuring the greatest possible variety and preserving the wealth and genetic heritage. We also take care of education by publishing articles related to the cultivation of vegetables or new threats. Every year, we also organize a competition for the largest tomato for our clients, the largest of the specimens are over one and a half kilograms! Large-fruited varieties, which are very popular, are perfect for this. Our offer of traditional varieties of tomato seeds - GMO-free - is complemented by seedlings, which can be picked up in person at our farm every May. By the way, we will advise you on the best and most interesting varieties of tomatoes.
Tomatoes of fixed varieties (heirloom) are of great interest in Western Europe, in countries that care about the preservation of biodiversity, their traditions and traditional varieties - Germany, Belgium and France. In Poland, this topic is still not fully sanctioned, the "Association of lovers of traditional tomato varieties" we have set up aims to change this state of affairs. By caring for the oldest varieties of tomatoes, we take care to preserve our history and tradition.