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~2.22 EUR

This unique variety originate from China. Available for the first time with the publication of Seed Savers 2009 Yearbook from Hristo Hristov of Bulgaria as a Tzi Bi U. An incredibly fertile variety with regular leaves. Fruit small, no more than 70 grams of weight, appearance can only be compared to the most beautiful jewels. With the ripening the fruit also changes its coloration. At the beginning of the skin only decorated with dark green stripes, then green stripes become more iridescent, while the flesh darkens. Variety appreciated mainly because of its unique appearance, though, and in terms of taste certainly did not disappoint. Very rare variety. Fruits reach maturity after about 78 days after planting.

Package size 10 pcs
Fruit type Beefsteak
Fruit size Small
The growing season Mid-early
Growing habit Indeterminate
Color Multicolor
Leaf type Regularny