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~2.22 EUR

Self-terminating variety with fruit similar to Bush Beefsteak. The round fruits are blood red in color, their weight ranges from 120-180 grams. Bush Beefsteak-type fruits are fleshy, with little juice. Given the size of the fruit, this variety is excellent for preserves (such as marinated tomatoes or tomatoes in jelly? :) ). However, you can not limit the uses of this variety: the plants fruit evenly - they have low soil requirements, a low plant (does not exceed 40 cm), resistance of the fruit to bursting. These are only the most important advantages of New Yorker, you should also add high fertility and high strength in transport, which predisposes the variety to trade. Short vegetation period is another excellent feature of this variety, thanks to the period of only 63 days to the first harvest, it will find its way not only to our climate, but even further north in Europe.

Color Czerwony
Growing habit Determinate
The growing season Early
Fruit size Small